It’s not enough to know how visible you are on your keywords. You also need to know what you can to do improve them.
We’ve made this job easy for you with our on-page SEO optimization tool. With simple icons, we show you which keywords needs a helping hand and which are optimal.
We check important SEO factors like texts, title tags and descriptions and make suggestions as to what you might do to optimize your keywords.
Suggestions are based on keywords that rank in top 100. If you don’t rank on a keyword, you can easily add your preferred landing page that applies to that keyword and then receive suggestions based on that specific combination.
A simple interface to keep overall track of your SEO efforts. Daily updated rankings on your keywords. Add as many countries as you need. Know your mobile rankings.
View keywords that you rank on, but haven’t added to your site. View competitors keywords. Keyword search statistics on all keywords.
See who you’re competing against for ranks on Google. Add your own competitors - and compare ranks. See what keywords your competitors use to target Google AdWords.
As a shop owner there are many things to keep track of daily. Therefore, I always try to get tools and systems to keep track of as much as possible. With Tiny Ranker I can leave them to do rank tracking and simultaneously get the best possible reporting to the cheapest possible price.
Dennis Drejer
Tiny Ranker helps us track rankings in 4 different language. We are not SEO-specialists, but with Tiny Ranker it's really easy. Tiny Ranker and black coffee is a part of the morning rutine - it's addictive.
Michael Dahl